查看完整版本: 黑洞附近的景觀
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kib47493 發表於 2014-12-13 09:23 PM


上圖裡這個盤狀漩渦熾熱氣團的中心,可能藏著一顆無法直接看見的黑洞。不過研究漩渦氣團所發出的明亮輝光,不但可以找到黑洞存在的證據,也可以推斷出它一些可能的性質。舉例來說,天文學家在研究GRO J1655-40周圍的漩渦氣團時,就發現它會發生每秒高達450次的不尋常閃爍現象。先前對GRO J1655-40中心緻密天體的質量估計,指出它大約是太陽的七倍,所以雲氣盤的快速閃爍,可能是中心黑洞快速自轉所導致的現象。不過,為什麼黑洞及中子星周圍的吸積盤,會發生閃爍以及較緩慢的類週期振盪(QPO)現象,其物理機制則仍然是科學研究的熱門題材。

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cosets123 發表於 2014-12-13 11:44 PM


SonnBear 發表於 2014-12-15 03:40 AM

If you watch the movie "Interstellar," there are figures of what a scientist (Forgot his name) imagined how a black hole would look like. However, from my understanding of light and gravity, I wouldn't imagine a black hole to look like what is being shown here or in the movie. But it's still pretty cool to look at different pictures.

azsx111 發表於 2014-12-15 11:49 PM


zwxyzxxx0256 發表於 2014-12-18 02:04 PM


alen6027 發表於 2014-12-18 04:06 PM

哇  大大這張美圖
真是神照阿  讚

onionno 發表於 2014-12-19 12:21 PM


pyc04097 發表於 2014-12-20 03:07 PM


恐懼武士 發表於 2014-12-20 03:19 PM

If you watch the movie "Interstellar," there are figures of what a scientist (Forgot his name) imagined how a black hole would look like. However, from my understanding of light and gravity, I wouldn't imagine a black hole to look like what is being shown here or in the movie. But it's still pretty cool to look at different pictures.

bhp9131335 發表於 2014-12-28 07:19 PM

實照  因該很難拍攝吧   去的了  未必回的來    <br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

kgb42569 發表於 2015-1-6 10:30 PM


kumanest 發表於 2015-1-8 08:01 AM

連光都無法跑出來的黑洞   真不知道這張圖是怎麼弄出來的

tt27650128 發表於 2015-1-8 08:38 AM

這圖是用什麼光線去照而拍出來了    不過真的是天文奇觀

joseph1114 發表於 2015-1-8 01:03 PM

嗯嗯 這是藝術照,而黑洞中心會在吸收附近物質一段時間之後 放射出能量,就像圖中那道白色氣團依樣

恐懼武士 發表於 2015-1-8 03:00 PM

連光都無法跑出來的黑洞   真不知道這張圖是怎麼弄出來的<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>
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