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gn02284238 發表於 2017-3-6 06:12 PM

i have a grammer question,please help me

Which of the following is correct?
[*]I suggest you should revise the document.
[*]I suggest you to revise the document.
[*]I suggest you revising the document
[*]I suggest to revise the document.


pop00123 發表於 2017-3-7 03:44 PM

本帖最後由 pop00123 於 2017-3-7 04:02 PM 編輯

I suggest you should revise ....
The word 'suggest' has the meaning of 'should' already, so we don't need to use both words.
We can say:
"I suggest you revise the document."    or,
"I think you should revise the document."
Not:"suggest + should.."   << unnecessary repeat

Usually we say:  I suggest you revise the document.   ( without 'to')
I suggest you go see the doctor.  <<這是在一種迫切的情況下所說
比如我看你高燒不退又上吐下瀉, 認為你該馬上去看醫生.

I suggest you to go see the doctor.  <<這只是一般的意見與提醒, 帶有"如果"的意思
If you are still getting high fever, I suggest you to go to the hospital.

suggest you revising  <<< grammatically incorrect
The word 'suggest' is a 'suggestion'.  
We are asking someone 'to do' something, not asking them 'doing' something.
So we have to say: "I suggest you revise(原型動詞) the document."
當我們提議,建議某件事時, 該事並還未被執行, 所以動詞要用原型.
He suggests we wait for another week.
She suggests you go to the doctor.

這句非針對某特定對象, 所以才加 to
I suggest to.. (我建議要...)

2通常不需to, 不加代表迫切,  加了則是一般非迫切的建議
4沒有誤, 但非對人, 而是對事

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photosynthesis 發表於 2017-3-17 05:03 PM

題外話,suggest + gerund 其實也可以,但真的不太常見

pop00123 發表於 2017-3-17 06:25 PM

photosynthesis 發表於 2017-3-17 05:03 PM static/image/common/back.gif
題外話,suggest + gerund 其實也可以,但真的不太常見

對喔, 其實你說的也蠻對題的, 不算題外.

suggest + gerund 的意思與 suggest + to Verb 其實是一樣的.
都是偏在針對「事」上, 雖然話是對著人說.

Good one!
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adrianlui9973 發表於 2017-4-2 09:24 PM

Which of the following is correct?
1. I suggest you should revise the document.
2. I suggest you to revise the document.
3. I suggest you revising the document
4. I suggest to revise the document.

1. Suggest 一詞本來就有 should(應該)的含義 所以不必重複而令句子不通順

2. 相對地比其他選項通順

3. 在 revising 前面必須要有to,否則不通順

4. 這句沒有 subject (you),所以也是不通順

簡單的說一下 比較通順的應該這樣寫:
I suggest you to try revising the document

或者, 可以考慮使用其他詞語 比如説:
Revising your documents is strongly adviced (跟suggest的意思相近)

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gn02284238 發表於 2017-4-2 11:23 PM


avontube 發表於 2017-4-9 11:59 PM

I think, (1) and (2) are ok for verbal usage.  However, (1) sounds quite confrontational and forceful.  Probably, you can just use (2) to give the advice to someone.

vegasoul 發表於 2017-7-9 10:26 AM

3才是對的。suggest後面不能跟to,要跟一個名詞(簡單來說)。Suggest somebody to do something的句法是錯的。

vegasoul 發表於 2017-7-9 04:19 PM


miru0909 發表於 2017-11-20 02:11 PM

This one is correct

I suggest you should revise the document.

It means you are suggesting to the reader that he or she should revise the document.

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