查看完整版本: [求助]Toshiba M600作業系統重灌與硬體升級
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sguitar 發表於 2017-6-25 03:10 PM

[求助]Toshiba M600作業系統重灌與硬體升級

Hi 各位大大  請問是否有跟小弟一樣是使用舊電腦Toshiba M600的呢?
不知道是否跑的動? 我自己有加裝一根2G RAM

光碟機改裝成第二硬碟嗎? 不知道這樣行不行得通



chieh33 發表於 2017-10-10 12:03 AM

升級WIN 7沒問題,但還是要保留還原功能,萬一系統不相容,還有幾會還原,硬碟升級SSD 我目前還沒遇過不相容情況,但把光碟改為第二顆硬碟會有散熱問題,傳統硬盤很容易拉高溫要注意

ccjw33 發表於 2017-10-19 01:07 PM

should be fine since w7 is much more efficient than vista but also check toshiba website and see if all hardwares will support win 7.

ccjw33 發表於 2017-11-25 10:23 AM

If you really want to increase the speed then suggest to replace your optical drive with SSD drive.  Not only you will load any app much faster and you also will not have heating issue.  SSD 120GB or 240GB is a lot cheaper now these days.
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