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P0371218 發表於 2017-10-29 08:06 PM

Taipei Language Exchange(第4回)_12/3_

本帖最後由 P0371218 於 2017-10-29 08:09 PM 編輯

*活動名稱: Taipei Language Exchange(第4回&Board Game)
*活動日期: 2017 / 12 / 3 (Sun)19:00~22:00
Taipei Language Exchange 會在台北不定期舉辦交流活動。不管外國人台灣人就交個朋友吧!!! 請抱著輕鬆的心情來拓展人際關係。
Taipei Language Exchange will occasionally held events in Taipei City for communication。Regardless where you are from, we can all make friends!!! You are more than welcome to join us to expand your life circle and spread your friendship。※People who want to join please hit 『going』, and who does not want to join please hit 『interested』、Thank you。


用Facebook搜尋『partyintaiwan3』or『Taipei Language Exchange《語言交換》』即可。

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