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judo88621 發表於 2018-1-4 05:48 PM




st1329 發表於 2018-1-14 05:53 PM


marcianana7 發表於 2018-1-21 04:01 PM

如果是我的話,會直接重灌,比抓問題要快多了 XD

ccjw33 發表於 2018-1-29 12:43 PM

Is this error always pops out when you start the computer?  If yes then try to software that can clean up the windows registry.  If this only happens when you opened a specific program then you may want to re-install that application.  If both ways don't fix the issue then reinstall the windows should help you fix that issue.  Good luck.

songgo 發表於 2018-3-27 05:31 PM

以前遇到這個問題 我會把administrator帳號開啟使用 然後把你原本的帳號(user)刪掉

然後在新增一次新的帳號登入 試試看嚕^~

ccjw33 發表於 2018-4-30 01:02 PM

Not sure if you have fixed the issue but if you have saved your computer every week then you can also backdate to the time where the message doesn't show up.  If everything is not working then reformat is probably the best way to get rid of that message.

et214328 發表於 2018-6-30 10:12 PM

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