查看完整版本: 六奪金球獎 史上第一人
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dx01816 發表於 2020-1-1 02:01 AM


and_at 發表於 2020-1-1 11:48 AM

I dont think its fair to others, Messi is great player in recent decade, but he is not always the best in every season. There are many other people playing great, and they are worth to be awarded.
Award is also an incentive for people improving, is Messi improving in last two seasons ? How about other ?

davidchao63 發表於 2020-1-2 11:34 AM

真的不知道下一個可以拿六屆金球獎的 是誰
梅西真的很厲害 C羅也很強

troublepang 發表於 2020-1-3 02:15 PM

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