查看完整版本: 暴龍教練Rajakovic怒噴裁判與聯盟,湖人第四節23罰擊敗2罰暴龍
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asd88306052 發表於 2024-1-11 09:07 PM


本帖最後由 asd88306052 於 2024-1-11 09:09 PM 編輯

1/10 暴龍在主場對上湖人的比賽以131:132敗給湖人隊。而湖人球員Anthony Davis戴維斯濃眉打出了神獸級的表現,他他爆砍41分11籃板6助攻17投13中,且三分球2投2中與罰球14罰13中。同隊的Lebron James詹姆斯詹皇也打得不錯得到22分5籃板12助攻,其他湖人球員表現就比較平庸。而暴龍球員有四名表現良好得到20+分別是RJ Barrett巴瑞特的23分, Pascal Siakam西亞肯姆的25分, Immanuel Quickley奎可利的21分以及Scottie Barens巴恩斯的26分。本場比賽暴龍的當家中鋒Jakob Poeltl受傷缺席,只剩Boucher, Siakam, Barens這三名4號位在禁區頂Davis, 想當然爾被打很慘。賽後暴龍教練Darko Rajakovic徵對湖人的罰球在賽後記者會上大肆批評了聯盟和裁判。如下

氣PUPU的暴龍教練Darko Rajakovic

Reporter 1: 23 free throws in 4th quartersRaja: Thank you Doug, Thank you Doug, That is outrageous. What happened tonight this is completely BS, this is shame, this is shame for referees shame for the leagues to allow this 23 free throws for them and we get 2 free throws in the fourth quarters like how to play the game. I understand and respect for all stars. But we have stars players on our team as well. Hows possible as Scottie Barnes who is All star calibur player in this leauge he goes every single time to the rim with force and try to go to the rim without flopping and not trying to get foul calls. He gets 2 free throws for a whole game. How is this possible How you going to explain that to me? They had to win tonight ? If that’s the case just let us know so we don’t show up for the game just give them a win. That was not fair tonight.  And this is not happening for time for us. Scottie Barnes is going to be an All-Star, hes going to be the face of this league and what’s happening over here during whole season I’ve been holding it back it’s a complete crap.記者1: 你對第四節23顆罰球有何看法暴龍教練: 謝謝你道格(記者名),這是很不像話的,今天發生的事完全是狗屁,丟臉,裁判很丟臉,聯盟也很丟臉因為他們允許他們(湖人)在第四節拿到23顆罰球而我們只有2顆,是要我們怎麼打?我理解並尊重球星們,但我們隊上也有球星。很不可理喻,Scottie Barens這名全明星級別的球員,每一次他都全力衝向籃框,不假摔也不要犯,整場卻只得到2次罰球。這怎麼可能發生,你要怎麼解釋?他們必須贏?如果是這樣,那請通知我讓我們不用進場,直接算他們贏。今晚很不公平。Scottie Barnes 會成為全明星,他會成為聯盟的看板,但今天發生的鳥事已經持續一整季了,我一直以來都在忍耐這狗屁東西。

Reporter 2: Coach do you feel like you’re getting any explaination at all that offensive foul, did you see like any explainationRaja: No No there’s no explaination. They just come up their review and they see what they want to see. They don’t want hear us what we got to say. They don’t want to hear the players. They don’t just want to protect us over the game they got 36 free throws 23 free throws in the fourth quarters what are we talking about ? What are we talking about ? What are we supposed to play記者2: 教練你對這次進攻犯規給的解釋有什麼看法,或你有得到任何解釋嗎?暴龍教練: 不不,沒有任何解釋。他們就只是去重播且看到了他們想看到的。他們就是不想聽我們要說的,他們不想聽球員要說的。他們不想保障我們在比賽的權益,整場他們(湖人)得到36顆罰球,而其中23顆都在第四節。他們在搞什麼鬼,搞什麼鬼啊,我們要打什麼啊
Reporter 3: This is one of or you feel this has been happening a lot throughout the seasonRaja: This is happening a lot But I’m telling our guys Be Professional Keep fighting Keep going for the next One But until when For how long記者3: 你覺得這賽季發生了很多類似今天這種事嗎?暴龍教練: 這鳥事發生過很多次了,但我就是告訴他們(暴龍球員) 要有職業道德,繼續加油,繼續拼下一場,但天知道會持續到什麼時候
暴龍當家中鋒Poeltl缺席 禁區沒大人
Scottie Barnes也表現很好 但完全扛不住AD
兩隊的禁區得分比,暴龍:湖人 70:50 暴龍還是多於湖人
--------------------------------暴龍是挺不得裁判緣的,跟去年的湖人好像。暴龍教練Rajakovic噴人很大膽喔!聽得真的是很爽,非常地護短,尤其是小將Scottie Barnes,我很喜歡。希望聯盟會多善待暴龍隊,他們韌性很強,也是不錯看
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