查看完整版本: [快訊] Jeb:將加入郁金香
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a25110012 發表於 2013-8-17 07:42 PM

[快訊] Jeb:將加入郁金香


I think the ingame name will simply be"Paeonia", because I don't plan to add any other paeonias. However,there are several kinds of tulips.)

Sirhibbsy:碉堡了!新版本將會有新品種的蘑菇嗎?(How lovely! Are there perhaps different types of mushrooms now?)

Jeb:這主意不錯。蘑菇現在占有2個物品id。太浪費了(Not abad idea. The mushrooms currently occupy two block IDs, which is a hugewaste...)

Exeldoh:能在山脈生物群系中加入雪絨花嗎?(And rare Edelweisses in mountain biomes ?)

Jeb:這好像很難在8像素之內畫出來。(Seems like a difficult flower to draw in 8 pixels...)

CSIEddie:這些花都是純裝飾用的嗎?(Are the flowers purely decorative?)

Jeb:是的。我們傾向于把舊的物品重做並給與他們新功能,但是目前我們只打算把花用于裝飾你的花園。以及用來區別不同的生物群系。(Yes Edit: We have a tendency to revisit old items and give themnew uses, but for now the flowers are only to make your gardens look pretty.And to give flair to biomes, of course.)

dream6601:我希望你能讓遊戲中的芍藥更接近現實中的芍藥 —— 一小叢灌木中長著許多花,而不是一格孤零零的花。我知道這可以通過材質包來實現,但是我希望在原版中的花能更眞實。(I wish you'd make them look more like real Paeonias, a smallbush with lots of flowers, not a single stock with single flower. I know I canresource pack it, but it would be nice to have it accurate in the true game.)

Jeb:我也是這麼想的。直到我發現我們現在的玫瑰是什麼樣子的。(I was actually thinking the same, but then I realized what therose looks like.)
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qw963963 發表於 2013-8-19 08:01 AM

不過自重 官網改啟動器
越來越難玩到新版本 {:33:}

watermom 發表於 2013-8-19 10:44 AM


azsx24865 發表於 2013-8-23 02:27 PM

礦物比較吸引我  呵呵

million_1 發表於 2022-8-6 10:27 PM

但玩久了  卻開始懷念起最原始的生存!<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>
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